Write and review comments#
You can add, view, edit, and delete comments to and from workspaces and tasks.
Comments are helpful to ask questions and to clarify ambiguities, provide more context and reference, and to share knowledge with the other workspace collaborators. Use comments to leave transparent traces of how work and collaboration develop and evolve within a workspace or in the context of a task.
Add or reply to comments to request for missing information, to clarify doubts, to discuss issues before tackling them, or to point out potential problems. Workspace and task comment threads can build a narrative providing context, reference, and relevant background information to a team of analysts working together.
Add workspace comments#
Workspace comments contain information that is relevant to the whole workspace. To view workspace comments:
Access the desired workspace and open it.
In the top navigation bar click Comments.
The workspace comment area displays an overview of all existing comments in the current workspace.
To add a new comment, type your message in the comment input field, and then press ENTER.
Repeat the previous step to add more comments.
Edit and delete workspace comments#
Comments are published under the input field in reverse chronological order (most recent first).
Hover the mouse over a published comment line to display the icons to
edit and
to delete it.
Edit workspace comments#
To edit a workspace comment:
Delete workspace comments#
To delete a workspace comment:
Add task comments#
Task comments contain information that is relevant to the specific task they refer to. To view task comments:
Access the desired workspace and open it.
In the top navigation bar click Tasks.
Click anywhere in the row corresponding to the task you want to add a comment to to open it.
The task detail pane opens.
Any existing task comments are displayed in reverse chronological order (most recent first) under Comments.
To add a new comment, type your message in the comment input field, and then press ENTER.
Repeat the previous step to add more comments.
Edit and delete task comments#
Task comments are published under the input field in reverse chronological order (most recent first).
Hover the mouse over a published task comment line to display the icons
to edit and to delete
Edit task comments#
To edit a task comment:
Delete task comments#
To delete a task comment: