Run installation playbooks#


This page describes steps for new installations.

For instructions to upgrade an existing installation, see Upgrade with playbooks instead.

  • You must complete the steps in Prepare nodes before running the instructions here.

  • You must run the playbooks in the sequence specified.

  • A playbook run is successful if has 0 failed tasks.

    The following is an example PLAY RECAP from a successful (failed=0) single node playbook run:

    PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************
    application-node           : ok=64   changed=44   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=12   rescued=0    ignored=0   
    localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

Single node/small deployments#


Not recommended for production systems. Use the ic-prod-medium and ic-prod-large deployment configurations instead. See Production deployments

Run the following commands to install the IC on a single managed node (inventories/ic-test-small.yml):


Install Logstash

Logstash is not installed by default. To install Logstash, add --tags=all,logstash to each ansible-playbook command.

On the control node:

  1. Run the pre-requisites playbook:

    ansible-playbook --tags=all,logstash -i inventories/ic-test-small.yml pb-pre_requisites.yml
  2. Run the install playbook:

    ansible-playbook --tags=all,logstash -i inventories/ic-test-small.yml pb-install_intelligence_center.yml
  3. Make sure services have started:

    ansible-playbook --tags=all,logstash -i inventories/ic-test-small.yml pb-start_services.yml
  4. Run database migrations:

    ansible-playbook --tags=all,logstash -i inventories/ic-test-small.yml pb-migrate_databases.yml
  5. Start services:

    ansible-playbook --tags=all,logstash -i inventories/ic-test-small.yml pb-start_services.yml
  6. Run the post-installation playbook:

    ansible-playbook --tags=all,logstash -i inventories/ic-test-small.yml pb-post.yml
  7. Reboot your managed node(s) after pb-post.yml completes.

Production deployments#

The following covers instructions to install the IC on multi-node scenarios.

You must configure and use the correct inventory file for your deployment. See Prepare nodes for more information.

The following table lists the inventory files for each deployment scenario. Replace <inventory_file.yml> in the commands below with the path to the inventory file appropriate to your configuration.


1 node test deployment


2 node test deployment


4 node test deployment


5 node production deployment


6 node production deployment


10 node production deployment


Only for removing Neo4j. Not needed for fresh installation.


Use at least 6 nodes when deploying for production.


Install Logstash

Logstash is not installed by default. To install Logstash, add --tags=all,logstash to each ansible-playbook command.

On the control node, run playbooks with the ansible-playbook command. For example (omit --tags=all,logstash if your deployment configuration does not include Logstash):

ansible-playbook --tags=all,logstash -i inventories/<inventory_file.yml> <pb-playbook.yml>

Run the playbooks in this sequence:

  1. Run the pre-requisites playbook: pb-pre_requisites.yml

  2. Run the install playbook: pb-install_intelligence_center.yml

  3. Make sure services have started at least once: pb-start_services.yml

  4. Run database migrations: pb-migrate_databases.yml

  5. Start services: pb-start_services.yml

  6. Run post-install playbook: pb-post.yml

  7. Reboot your managed node(s) after pb-post.yml completes.

  8. (Only deployments with more than one Elasticsearch node) Bootstrap Elasticsearch cluster. This allows the IC to address more than one Elasticsearch nodes as data nodes.


    This purges data from all Elasticsearch nodes.

    1. Set Elasticsearch multi-node configuration: pb-elasticsearch_fix_ic_config_multinode.yml

    2. Remove the Elasticsearch data directory on Elasticsearch nodes: pb-elasticsearch_destroy_cluster.yml

    3. Run database migrations: pb-migrate_databases.yml

    4. Start services: pb-start_services.yml

  9. (Only for deployments with more than one PostgreSQL nodes)

    To initialize replicas in a PostgreSQL cluster, run the PostgreSQL replication playbook:


    This purges data from all PostgreSQL nodes set in your inventory file with the property: eiq_ic_pg_replication__node_role: replica

    1. Initialize replication: pb-pg_start_replication.yml

    2. Then make sure all services are running: pb-start_services.yml