Neighborhood tab#
The Neighborhood tab in the entity detail pane includes a small graph canvas showing the immediate context of the entity, as well as related observables, datasets, workspaces, and tasks.
During an analysis you may want to quickly inspect an entity to check relationships with other entities and observables. Normally, you would load the selected entity onto the graph, open the graph, and proceed with the inspection. Without leaving the entity detail pane, the Neighborhood tab offers a faster alternative: click it to see a small graph displaying close-range relationships the entity has with nearby entities and observables.
Click the embedded graph to load the entity and its neighborhood relationships on the graph canvas, where you can further analyze the data.
The Neighborhood graph focuses on the immediate context around the entity. If the entity has more than 100 relationships, the Neighborhood graph displays only the 30 most recently created relationships. In this case, a notification message is displayed to inform the user:
Too many items to show, showing only most relevant 30 items.
The embedded graph is a snapshot of the graph canvas view. The embedded snapshot is refreshed when accessing the Neighborhood tab, but it is not updated in real time.
When the entity relationship landscape changes, for example, after adding or removing relationships, the embedded graph is not in sync anymore. In this case, a notification message is displayed to inform the user:
DATA PROCESSING IN PROGRESS — It may take some time before the latest entity data is available in the graph.
After EclecticIQ Intelligence Center graph completes indexing, the embedded graph is back in sync.
The time this task requires varies, depending on the size of the graph queue.