Create entity rules#


Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

A rule must be Enabled for it to take effect. See Manage entity rules.

Create a discovery rule#


Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Start creating a rule:

  1. From the left navigation, select Data configuration Data configuration icon > Rules > Entity.

  2. Select +.


  • From the left navigation, select + Create > Rules Rules > Entity rule

Configure the rule#

In the Create entity rule view, fill out the following fields:

Rule name*

Name of rule.


Short description. Should contain context and information on what this rule does.


Select this to enable the rule immediately after saving.

Set criteria#

Set the Criteria selection section, select at one or more criteria that this rule will match.

Your rule runs only if an entity meets all the criteria set here.

  • Select + Criteria to add a criterion to the rule.

  • Select the x to the right of an existing criterion to remove it from the rule.

The following is a table of available criteria:



Entity types

Select one or more entity types that this rule runs against.

Content criteria

See Content criteria tool


Select one or more sources. This rule runs against entities that belong to these sources.


Select one or more TLPs. This rule runs against entities that have at least one of these TLPs assigned.

Set actions#

Set the Actions section, select at one or more actions that the rule performs when it matches an entity.

  • Select + Action to add an action to the rule.

  • Select the x to the right of an existing action to remove it from the rule.

For available actions, see Entity rule actions.