Filter entities by TLP#

Filter entities by Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) color code to retrieve information based on how sensitive it is and who it can be shared with.

Using TLP as a search or filter mechanism returns only exact TLP color matches:

  • Setting a TLP filter or quick filter to GREEN returns only entities whose TLP value is “green”.

  • A search for meta.tlp_color:AMBER returns only entities whose TLP value is “amber”.

  • Entities with no TLP color value only show up in search or in filtered results if you enter NONE as filter or search term.

Search entities by TLP color#

Searching for Amber+Strict

In EclecticIQ, the tlp color amber+strict is stored as AMBER_STRICT in the backend.

If you want your query to return entities whose tlp is amber+strict, include meta.tlp_color:(AMBER_STRICT).

  1. In the side navigation bar click Search icon.

  2. In the search field, enter meta.tlp_color:() with between the brackets either:

    • A single TLP color name in uppercase characters.

    • Multiple TLP color names in uppercase characters separated with the boolean operator “OR”.


    meta.tlp_color:(GREEN) : returns entities whose TLP color is “green”.

    meta.tlp_color:(CLEAR OR WHITE) : returns entities whose TLP color value is either “clear” or “white”.

    meta.tlp_color:(AMBER OR AMBER_STRICT OR RED ) : returns entities whose TLP color value is either “amber”, “amber+strict”, or “red”.

  3. (Optional) Add additional search terms.

  4. In the search field, click Search icon.