View tasks

About task access control

You can view user tasks that do not belong to any workspace in the following cases:

You can view user tasks that belong to a workspace in the following cases:

  • You are the owner/creator or a collaborator of the workspace.

View tasks

To display user tasks ::

  • Open a workspace and go to the Tasks tab.

  • In the left navigation bar, select:

    • Tasks images/download/attachments/82474853/task.svg-x24.png to see your open tasks.

    • Tasks images/download/attachments/82474853/task.svg-x24.png > VIEW ALL TASKS to open the All Tasks overview.

View task details

To display the task entity panel for a specific task :

  1. Go to a user task overview, as described under View tasks.

  2. On the task overview click anywhere in the row corresponding to the task you want to review to open the task detail pane.
    The selected task detail pane opens, and you can review the information about the task.