Edit tasks

To edit a task, do the following:

  1. Go to a user task overview, as described under View tasks.

  2. Click the menu icon in the row corresponding to the user task you want to edit.

    From the drop-down menu select one of the following options:

    • Edit: opens the task editor, where you can change and update the task details.

    • Reassign: opens a pop-up dialog with the Assign to drop-down menu.
      From the drop-down menu select the new task owner, and then click Save to confirm your selection.

    • Change due date: opens a pop-up dialog with the Due date input field.
      Click anywhere on the input field to display a calendar where you can select a new deadline for the task, and then click Save to confirm your selection.

    • Complete: available for Open and In progress tasks.
      It fast-forwards the task status to Done.

    • Reopen: available for Done and Canceled tasks.
      It reopens the selected tasks and sets the corresponding status to Open.

    • Cancel: available for Open and In progress tasks.
      It cancels the selected task, without deleting it.
      You can reopen a canceled task at any time.

    • Delete: deletes the selected task.
      On the confirmation pop-up dialog, click Delete to confirm the action.
      images/s/-u524h5/8501/61630d2d4f75946459caa0b3dbdac9bd6d7a7de4/_/images/icons/emoticons/warning.svg You cannot undo deleting a task.

Grayed-out options in the menu are disabled for the selected item.
images/s/-u524h5/8501/61630d2d4f75946459caa0b3dbdac9bd6d7a7de4/_/images/icons/emoticons/lightbulb_on.svg You can access the same action options on the task detail pane by clicking the menu icon , and then by choosing an option from the drop-down menu.

Edit task status

Tasks go through different statuses during their lifecycle.
Statuses give a snapshot of a task at a given point in the workflow.
They enable monitoring task progress and to take action when necessary, for example, by reassigning a task, or by changing the deadline.




The default status a task takes upon its creation.


The task was assigned to a (workspace) collaborator who owns it, but who has not yet started working on it.

In progress

The task owner has started working on the assigned task.


The task was completed.


The task was canceled.

To change a task status, do the following:

  1. Select a task and open it in edit mode.

  2. Under Status, from the drop-down menu select the new status you want to assign to the task.

  3. To store your changes, click Save; to discard them, click Cancel.

Task workflow


A standard task status flow