Release notes 2.14.2#


EclecticIQ Intelligence Center

Release version


Release date

May 2024


Minor release

Upgrade impact


Time to upgrade

~18 minutes to upgrade an instance with 4 million entities.

  • From the previous release

  • Using the installation script

  • For an instance running on one machine

Additional ~6 minutes to run pre-upgrade scripts for upgrading from 2.8.x and earlier.

Time to migrate

  • PostgreSQL database: ~6 minutes per 4 million entities

  • Elasticsearch database: ~1 minute per 4 million entities

  • Neo4j database: ~1 minute per 4 million entities.


End of Life for Intelligence Center 2.14

We would like to notify you that EclecticIQ Intelligence Center version 2.14 is scheduled to reach its End of Life (EOL) on December 31st, 2024.

Initially released in October 2022, version 2.14 has enjoyed two years of robust support.
With multiple subsequent versions in the 3.x series now available, we have made the decision to conclude support for what has been our longest-supported version to date.


  • Update KeyLines.js package

    The platform depends on a KeyLines license which was set to expire on 30 July 2024.

    This release extends that license and upgrades the KeyLines package from 5.10.3 to 7.4.1.

    Users who do not upgrade their platform instances to the following versions will have parts of the platform stop working after 30 July 2024:

    • 2.14.2

    • 3.0.4

    • 3.1.3

    • 3.2.2

    • 3.3.2


For more information about setting up repositories, refer to the installation documentation for your target operating system.

EclecticIQ Intelligence Center and dependencies for CentOS and RHEL

  • Platform packages:

  • Platform dependencies:


    The Intelligence Center dependencies URL for versions 2.9 and later is It contains packages that are incompatible with versions 2.8 and earlier.

  • Python 3.8:

EclecticIQ Intelligence Center extensions

  • Platform extensions:


The following diagram describes upgrade paths available.

When upgrading from 2.8.x and earlier to 2.9.x and later:

  • You must run the pre-upgrade script to allow it to work with Elasticsearch 7.9.1.

  • You must run the pre-upgrade script on the Intelligence Center version you are upgrading from.

    For example, when upgrading from 2.8.0 to 2.10.1, you must run the pre-upgrade script on the Intelligence Center while it is running version 2.8.0.

When upgrading from 2.11.x and earlier to 2.12.x and later, you must install the EIQ-provided python38 package. For more information, see the upgrade instructions for your OS.

Upgrade diagram

Upgrade diagram#

These upgrades paths have been tested using the EclecticIQ Intelligence Center install script compiled by Rundoc.

The script only supports:

  • Single machine installs.

  • Instances installed using the Intelligence Center install script.

and does not support Intelligence Center instances installed in distributed environments.