
Latest (June 2024)#


  • Fix ElasticSearch deployment using Fully-Qualified Domain Names (as opposed to IP addresses).

3x-1718267874 (13 June 2024)#


  • Fix PostgreSQL issue during upgrade where master is configured as a replica.

3x-1710502964 (15 Mar 2024)#


  • Set default release to 3.3 and update README file.

  • PostgreSQL is configured to accept SSL connections. Both SSL and plaintext connections are accepted on the same port (5432). Intelligence Center and replication use SSL connection by default.

  • Redis is configured to accept SSL connections on port 6680. Port 6679 is still available for plaintext connections for debugging purposes. Intelligence Center and replication use SSL connection by default.


  • Added .env variables to automatically configure email addresses and server hostname. This is done in a new playbook called pb-configure_intelligence_center.yml, which has to be executed when Intelligence is already running (done automatically by the script).

  • Added BUNDLE_VERSION.env to each ansible bundle, which contains the following values:

GIT_HASH=<git hash>


  • Fixed Playbooks fail for some users due to “undefined” on RHEL

3x-1702283632 (11 Dec 2023)#


  • Fixed issue in PG14 replication

3x-1701862198 (06 Dec 2023)#


  • Set default release to 3.2 and update README file.


  • Fixed issue in Kibana export

  • Fixed issue in Kibana to force kibana restore to overwrite duplicate objects

3x-1700648360 (Nov 2023)#

Breaking changes#

  • Playbook sequence is different. Please read the documentation carefully.

  • Environment variables have been changed. Please update your configuration following the provided env-example file.


  • Playbooks are provided to upgrade to PostgreSQL 14.

  • Playbooks are provided to upgrade to Elasticsearch 8.

  • Backup & Restore playbooks for Kibana.

  • Allows automatic provisioning of authentication for Elasticsearch (on by default for IC 3.2+).

  • Playbooks automatically provision certificates for Elasticsearch. You may manually replace these certs later.

  • You can now configure network addresses of managed nodes through environment variables or by editing group_vars/all/config.yml, instead of editing inventory files.

    You must still run ansible-playbook with inventory files. E.g.:

    EIQ_HOST_IC_APP_01="" ansible-playbook -i inventories/ic-test-small pb-pre_requisites.yml -vv


  • ansible-example.cfg has optional minor changes for session reliability.

  • Removed EIQ_IS_UPGRADE environment variable. No longer used. Playbooks now detect if you are performing a fresh install or an upgrade.

  • Removed legacy Elasticsearch playbooks.


  • Numerous fixes to PG clustering.

3x-1690533376 (28 Jul 2023)#


  • Playbooks now use .env file instead of .envrc to set environment variables.


  • Fixed issue introduced by new version of java-11-openjdk-headless, where the package drops tzdata-java from its list of dependencies, causing Elasticsearch and Logstash services to fail to start because it depends on it. Playbooks now explicitly install tzdata-java.

3x-1689088308 (11 Jul 2023)#


  • Issue where statsite service would fail to reload as part of playbook run.

3x-1688978882 (10 Jul 2023)#


  • Support for EclecticIQ Intelligence Center 3.x.

  • Playbook and inventory files for Neo4j removal.

  • Various fixes and improvements to deployment reliability.