AI | Reports#

When you have configured an AI-provider, you can leverage AI to generate a report from the entities in a graph or entity table. For this, you need an OpenAI account.

Please note that using AI to generate reports consumes tokens based on the length of the compiled prompt. This length is influenced by the number of entities included and the amount of information contained in these entities.

For more information, see OpenAI’s documentation about tokenization.

Avoid entity type with substantial amounts of texts

It’s advised to not include Report , Note, or other entity types that may contain substantial amounts of text in AI report generation. When including entities with substantial amounts of text in AI report generation, the prompt sent to the AI model becomes very long and could even exceed the token limit, leading to errors.

The generation of the report runs as a system job. It creates a Report entity with the generated report text in the description. The created Report entity is then linked to the entities the generated report is based on.

Generate a report from a graph#

  1. Navigate to the graph from which you want to generate an AI report.

  2. Select the entities you’d like to include in the report.

  3. Right-click on any of the selected entities, select Add to, and then select Generate AI report.

  4. Fill in all of these fields:

    Field name


    Report title

    Select the option to have the AI generate a title or add a custom title.

    Open AI Model

    Select one of the AI models you have configured.

    Report types

    Select Technical, Strategic, or Custom

  5. Select Generate Report.

The generation of the report will run as a system job.

Generate a report from an entity table#

  1. Open an entity table, such as in Search and browse or in a Dataset.

  2. Filter the list to show only entities you want to include and select all entities you want to edit by checking the boxes in their rows.

  3. From the top bar select + Add to > Generate AI.

  4. Fill in all of these fields:

    Field name


    Report title

    Select the option to have the AI generate a title or add a custom title.

    Open AI Model

    Select a model for which you configured the API key**.

    Report types

    Select Technical, Strategic, or Custom

  5. Select Generate Report.

The generation of the report will run as a system job.

After generating a report#

Select the Notifications icon in the bottom left and select Actions to see the job.

Once the report is done, navigate to the created entity by selecting Notifications > Actions > View.

Report Types#


A technical report has a level of detail that is useful to a cyber threat intelligence analyst.


A strategic report has a level of detail that is understandable for professionals who are less familiar with the minutiae of cybersecurity.


Select the Custom template to provide a custom the Prompt and HTML Output template before generating your report.


The Prompt field contains a human-readable set of instructions provided to OpenAI from which it follows in generating your report. You can edit the default prompt. We recommend keeping the overall structure of the default prompt for best results.

For more information on prompts, read OpenAI’s guide to engeneering prompts.


In the Output template, create the HTML template that will be provided to OpenAI for the layout of the generated report.