STIX 2.1 Observed Data SDO#

This page provides details on how the STIX 2.1 Observed Data SDO is handled by EclecticIQ Intelligence Center.


New in version 2.9.0.

Observed data SDOs are ingested by EclecticIQ Intelligence Center to produce EclecticIQ Indicator entities, but with a STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object tag to distinguish it from other Indicator entities.

That’s because EclecticIQ Intelligence Center does not currently have an Observed Data entity type. So while it is ingested as an EclecticIQ Indicator entity, it is kept distinct from EclecticIQ Indicator entities produced by ingesting Indicator SDOs using the STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object tag.

So, an Observed data SDO with a single ipv4-addr SCO:

    "type": "observed-data",
    "id": "observed-data--60c871de-5936-41f1-afbe-4ef829c3ee0a",
    "spec_version": "2.1",
    "x_interop_description": "STIX 2.1 Interoperability Part 1, \\u00a72.3.5.2 Sighting + Indicator with IPv4 Address Matching CIDR",
    "created_by_ref": "identity--f6e43aa5-76cc-45ca-9b06-be2d65f26bfb",
    "created": "2018-01-17T11:11:13.000Z",
    "modified": "2018-01-17T11:11:13.000Z",
    "first_observed": "2017-12-21T19:00:00Z",
    "last_observed": "2018-01-06T19:00:00Z",
    "number_observed": 50,
    "object_refs": ["ipv4-addr--8a602356-2fdd-565f-bfb2-5b282a215584"]
    "type": "ipv4-addr",
    "id": "ipv4-addr--8a602356-2fdd-565f-bfb2-5b282a215584",
    "spec_version": "2.1",
    "value": ""

is ingested to produce an EclecticIQ Indicator with the following fields set:

EclecticIQ Indicator field

Mapped from STIX 2.1





STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object

The Title of an Indicator entity.

Always set to STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object.

Observed Data SDOs do not have a title; EclecticIQ Intelligence Center sets an arbitrary title on ingestion.




The STIX ID of the Indicator entity is set to the Observed Data SDO’s STIX 2.1 ID.




The Producer field of the Indicator entity.

The Indicator entity inherits the Identity set in the Observed Data SDO’s created_by_ref field.



STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object

Tags on the Indicator entity.

The STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object is arbitrarily set on all ingested Observed Data SDOs to distinguish them from Indicator SDOs also ingested as Indicator entities on EclecticIQ Intelligence Center.




The Estimated time > Observed field in the Indicator entity is set to the timestamp found in the Observed Data SDO’s first_observed field.

last_observed is not set to any meta field in the Indicator entity, but is retained along with the rest of the original Observed Data SDO JSON in the entity’s data.original_stix21_objects field.




SCOs referenced in object_refs are ingested as EclecticIQ observables.

For more information on ingesting SCOs, see STIX 2.1 Cyber-observable Objects.

Sample of resulting EclecticIQ JSON:

    "content-type": "",
    "enrichments": [],
    "entities": [
        "attachments": [],
        "data": {
          "handling": [],
          "id": "observed-data--60c871de-5936-41f1-afbe-4ef829c3ee0a",
          "original_stix21_objects": [
            // original STIX 2.1 JSON
          "producer": {
            "description": "",
            "identity": {
              "id": "identity--f6e43aa5-76cc-45ca-9b06-be2d65f26bfb",
              "name": "ACME Corp Sighting, Inc.",
              "type": "identity"
            "references": [],
            "type": "information-source"
          "timestamp": "2021-05-27T09:09:18.448959+00:00",
          "title": "STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object",
          "type": "indicator"
        "enrichment_extracts": [],
        "external_url": "",
        "extracts": [
            "instance_meta": {
              "link_types": [
              "paths": []
            "kind": "ipv4",
            "meta": {},
            "value": ""
        "id": "60c871de-5936-41f1-afbe-4ef829c3ee0a",
        "meta": {
          "estimated_observed_time": "2017-12-21T19:00:00+00:00",
          "estimated_threat_start_time": "2018-01-17T11:11:13+00:00",
          "first_ingest_time": "2021-05-27T09:09:18.306113+00:00",
          "half_life": 30,
          "ingest_time": "2021-05-27T09:09:18.306113+00:00",
          "source_reliability": null,
          "tags": [
            "STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object"
          "title": "STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object",
          "tlp_color": null
        "relevancy": 4.987782539022308e-13,
        "sources": [
            "name": "Testing Group",
            "source_id": "3b9f8dc2-7478-498d-819a-79ea338c9889",
            "source_type": "group"
    "entity_counts": {
      "indicator": 1
    "timestamp": "2021-05-27T09:09:18.448959+00:00"

Export and outgoing feeds#

New in version 2.9.0.

To determine if an EclecticIQ Indicator entity should be exported or packed as a Indicator SDO or (in this case) an Observed Data SDO, EclecticIQ Intelligence Center checks if the EclecticIQ Indicator has the STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object tag.

If the tag is present in the EclecticIQ Indicator, it is packed as an Observed Data SDO. Its related observables are

  • packed as SCOs in the same bundle, and

  • referenced in the resulting Observed Data SDO’s object_refs field.

If the tag is not present, the EclecticIQ Indicator is packed as an Indicator SDO instead, and will have observables added in its patterns field instead. No SCOs are created for EclecticIQ Indicator entities packed as Indicator SDOs.

For example, exporting the following EclecticIQ Indicator as STIX 2.1:

  "content-type": "",
  "enrichments": [],
  "entities": [
      "attachments": [],
      "data": {
        "handling": [],
        "id": "observed-data--60c871de-5936-41f1-afbe-4ef829c3ee0a",
        "original_stix21_objects": [
            "created": "2018-01-17T11:11:13.000Z",
            "created_by_ref": "identity--f6e43aa5-76cc-45ca-9b06-be2d65f26bfb",
            "first_observed": "2017-12-21T19:00:00Z",
            "id": "observed-data--60c871de-5936-41f1-afbe-4ef829c3ee0a",
            "last_observed": "2018-01-06T19:00:00Z",
            "modified": "2018-01-17T11:11:13.000Z",
            "number_observed": 50,
            "object_refs": [
            "spec_version": "2.1",
            "type": "observed-data",
            "x_interop_description": "STIX 2.1 Interoperability Part 1, \\u00a72.3.5.2 Sighting + Indicator with IPv4 Address Matching CIDR"
            "created": "2018-01-17T11:11:13.000Z",
            "id": "identity--f6e43aa5-76cc-45ca-9b06-be2d65f26bfb",
            "identity_class": "organization",
            "modified": "2018-01-17T11:11:13.000Z",
            "name": "ACME Corp Sighting, Inc.",
            "spec_version": "2.1",
            "type": "identity"
            "id": "ipv4-addr--8a602356-2fdd-565f-bfb2-5b282a215584",
            "spec_version": "2.1",
            "type": "ipv4-addr",
            "value": ""
        "producer": {
          "description": "",
          "identity": {
            "id": "identity--f6e43aa5-76cc-45ca-9b06-be2d65f26bfb",
            "name": "ACME Corp Sighting, Inc.",
            "type": "identity"
          "references": [],
          "type": "information-source"
        "timestamp": "2021-05-27T09:09:18.448959+00:00",
        "title": "STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object",
        "type": "indicator"
      "enrichment_extracts": [],
      "external_url": "",
      "extracts": [
          "instance_meta": {
            "link_types": [
            "paths": []
          "kind": "ipv4",
          "meta": {},
          "value": ""
      "id": "60c871de-5936-41f1-afbe-4ef829c3ee0a",
      "meta": {
        "estimated_observed_time": "2017-12-21T19:00:00+00:00",
        "estimated_threat_start_time": "2018-01-17T11:11:13+00:00",
        "first_ingest_time": "2021-05-27T09:09:18.306113+00:00",
        "half_life": 30,
        "ingest_time": "2021-05-27T09:09:18.306113+00:00",
        "source_reliability": null,
        "tags": [
          "STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object"
        "title": "STIX 2.1 Observed Data Object",
        "tlp_color": null
      "relevancy": 4.987782539022308e-13,
      "sources": [
          "name": "Testing Group",
          "source_id": "3b9f8dc2-7478-498d-819a-79ea338c9889",
          "source_type": "group"
  "entity_counts": {
    "indicator": 1
  "outgoing_feed_name": "Exported Entities",
  "Intelligence Center-version": "2.10.0",
  "timestamp": "2021-05-27T09:09:18.448959+00:00"

produces the resulting JSON:

    "objects": [
        "id": "observed-data--455d15c6-415a-4008-addf-8a4405ede887",
        "type": "observed-data",
        "created": "2018-01-17T11:11:13.000Z",
        "modified": "2018-01-17T11:11:13.000Z",
        "object_refs": ["ipv4-addr--2b3e2c17-3144-5591-9c88-a605220f8c0c"],
        "spec_version": "2.1",
        "last_observed": "2018-01-06T19:00:00Z",
        "created_by_ref": "identity--f6e43aa5-76cc-45ca-9b06-be2d65f26bfb",
        "first_observed": "2017-12-21T19:00:00Z",
        "number_observed": 50,
        "x_interop_description": "STIX 2.1 Interoperability Part 1, \\u00a72.3.5.1 Sighting + Indicator with IPv4 Address"
        "id": "identity--f6e43aa5-76cc-45ca-9b06-be2d65f26bfb",
        "name": "ACME Corp Sighting, Inc.",
        "type": "identity",
        "created": "2018-01-17T11:11:13.000Z",
        "modified": "2018-01-17T11:11:13.000Z",
        "spec_version": "2.1",
        "identity_class": "organization"
        "id": "ipv4-addr--2b3e2c17-3144-5591-9c88-a605220f8c0c",
        "type": "ipv4-addr",
        "value": "",
        "spec_version": "2.1"
    "type": "bundle",
    "id": "bundle--12a19289-cb69-4bde-9bb0-95e78db7cb83"