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EclecticIQ Intelligence Center 2.14.0
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EclecticIQ documentation home
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Get to know EclecticIQ Intelligence Center
Work with intelligence
Release notes
Section Navigation
Beta features
Knowledge packs
Command palette
View the help
About ingestion
Customize list columns
Edit entities in Browse
Filter entities in Browse
Add entities from the discovery service
Customize list columns
Edit entities in the Discovery view
About exposure
Configure exposure
View exposure
Edit entities in Exposure
Review Exposure
Override exposure
Customize list columns
Customize list columns
Edit entities in Production
Filter entities in Production
Entity rules
About entity rules
Create entity rules
Content criteria tool
Manage entity rules
Observable rules
Create observable rules
Manage observable rules
Enrichment rules
Create enrichment rules
Manage enrichment rules
Discovery rules
Create discovery rules
Manage discovery rules
About search
Start searching
Search with Kibana
Search query syntax
Search using tokenizers
Sync the search database
About filters
About source reliability
About TLP
Filter entities by source
Filter entities by TLP
Filter entities with the histogram\
Filter entities with timebar
Use the context filters
Use the quick filters
About workspaces
Access workspaces
Default public workspace
Create workspaces
List and unlist workspaces
Add edit and remove entities
Add edit and remove datasets
Add and remove graphs
Collaborate with other users
Add collaborators to a workspace
Remove collaborators from a workspace
Create user tasks
View tasks
Edit tasks
Write and review comments
Edit workspaces
Archive workspaces
Restore workspaces
Delete workspaces
View workspace history
About datasets
Create a dataset
Add entities to a dataset
Edit entities in a dataset
Edit a dataset
Delete a dataset
Dataset metrics
About graphs
Create a graph
Access a graph
Add entities to a graph
Analyze entities in a graph
Group entities in a graph
Edit entities in a graph
Publish entities in a graph
Remove entities from a graph
Add relationships to a graph
Edit relationships in a graph
Publish relationships in a graph
Remove relationships from a graph
Add observables to a graph
Publish observables in a graph
Edit observables in a graph
Remove observables from a graph
Delete observables from a graph
Review enrichment observables
Move around on the graph
Graph on Neighborhood tab
Add graph to workspaces
Filter entities with the timebar
Filter entities with the histogram
Toggle visualization layouts
Save and export the graph
View full titles in the graph
Sync the graph database
Address graph ingestion issues
Default Intelligence Center roles
Intelligence Center permissions
Permissions to access settings
Permissions to access data
Permissions for public API endpoints
Token-based authentication
About token-based authentication
Create an API token
Use an API token
Delete an API token
Two-factor authentication
About two-factor authentication
Enforce two-factor authentication
Set up two-factor authentication
Suspend two-factor authentication
Generate new recovery codes
Recover two-factor authentication
Disable two-factor authentication
Review two-factor authentication activity
User permissions
Manage users
Manage groups
Manage roles
Manage notifications
Manage automation users
Export and import user database
Account policies
Configure account policies
Data policies
About data policies
Create data policies
Manage data policies
Account policies
Configure account policies