Dataset metrics#

Find out how many entities a dataset contains of a particular type, confidence level, tag or taxonomy. You can also see how many entities were added to the dataset on a given day.

To view a dataset’s metrics:

  1. In the left navigation bar, go to Search Search icon > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Datasets.

  2. Double-click the name of the dataset you want in the list.

  3. Click the Metrics tab.

Entities by day#

This is the number of entities that were added to the dataset on a specific date, either through ingestion or manually.

Entities by type#

This displays the cumulative number of entities of a given type in the dataset.

Entities by confidence level#

This displays the cumulative number of entities of a given confidence level in the dataset.

Entities by tag/taxonomy#

This displays a list of all the entities with a particular tag or taxonomy.

Type one or more tags or taxonomies into the filter bar to filter the entities you see.