Review exposure

To pinpoint specific cases or threats, analyze and act on exposure and potential security issues at the workspace level.

Exposure configuration is Intelligence Center-wide. However, when you analyze it within the more specific context of a workspace, you can detect any potential security issues related to the active workspace, which may be threatening or affecting your environment.

Apart from having a more limited scope, workspace exposure behaves like Intelligence Center-wide exposure.

View exposed entities

To view exposed entities:

  1. In the left navigation bar, select Exposureimages/download/attachments/86440668/exposure.svg-x24.png .

  2. In the Exposure view, click the Entities tab to display an overview of currently exposed entities.

Filter exposed entities

You can stack and combine as many filters as you need. For example, you can create a filter to view exposure details for indicators that belong to the X, Y, and Z datasets that were ingested in the first half of last month.

To filter exposed entities:

  1. Click the Entities tab.

  2. Click images/download/attachments/3604538/filter.PNG .
    The following filters are provided:

  • Entity: select one or more checkboxes to view exposure details for the specified entity types.

  • Date: select a time interval to view exposure details for the entities ingested between the specified start and end dates.

  • Dataset: select one or more checkboxes to view exposure details for entities that relate to the specified datasets.

    The Dataset filter is not available if results do not include entities that relate to at least one dataset.

Sort entities

To sort items by column header:

  1. Click the header of the column whose content you want to sort.

  2. Click or to sort the content in either ascending or descending order, respectively.