Permissions to access data

The permission structure in the Intelligence Center separates permissions in the following groups:

  • Permissions users require to configure and to manage Intelligence Center settings, features, and functionality.

  • Permissions users require to access and to consume Intelligence Center data.

Actions and permissions to access and consume data

The following table shows the permissions roles and users require to carry out actions on Intelligence Center data and resources.





View the Intelligence Center dashboard.

In the left navigation bar, select Dashboard images/download/attachments/86440919/dashboard.svg-x24.png .

  • read entities

  • read extracts

  • read outgoing-feeds

  • read tickets


View ingested entities.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Entities.

  • read entities


View an entity detail pane, including any content in the detail pane tabs.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Entities, select an entity in the overview, and open the corresponding entity detail pane.

  • read destinations

  • read entities

  • read extracts

  • read history-events

  • read intel-sets

  • read sources

  • read taxonomies

  • read tickets

  • read workspaces


Create a new entity.

Edit an existing entity.

Delete an existing entity.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Entities > Create entity + to create a new entity.

  • modify draft-entities (to save as draft)

  • modify entities

  • read extracts

  • read sources

  • read taxonomies


View ingested observables.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Observables.

  • read entities

  • read extracts


View an observable detail pane, including any content in the detail pane tabs.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Observables, select an observable in the overview.

  • read destinations

  • read entities

  • read extracts

  • read intel-sets

  • read tickets

  • read users

  • read workspaces


Create a new observable.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Observables > Create observable +.

  • modify extracts


View manually uploaded files.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Uploads.

  • read blob-uploads


View an uploaded file detail pane, including any content in the detail pane tabs.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Uploads, click an uploaded file under Recently uploaded files, and open the corresponding uploaded file detail pane.

  • read blob-uploads

  • read content-types

  • read entities

  • read source

  • read users


Manually upload a file.

View an uploaded file detail pane, including any content in the detail pane tabs.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Uploads tab, and then manually upload a file; or click an uploaded file under Recently uploaded files to open the corresponding uploaded file detail pane.

  • modify blob-uploads

  • read content-types

  • read entities

  • read groups


View datasets.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Datasets.

  • read intel-sets


View a dataset detail pane, including any content in the detail pane tabs.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Datasets, select a dataset in the overview, and open the corresponding dataset detail pane.

  • read entities

  • read intel-sets


Create a new dataset.

Edit an existing dataset.

Delete an existing dataset.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Datasets > + (Create dataset).

  • modify intel-sets

  • modify workspaces

  • read workspaces


View saved graphs.

In the left navigation bar, go to Graphs images/download/attachments/86440919/graph.svg-x24.png > Saved graphs >.

  • read entities

  • read graphs


Create a new graph.

Load an existing graph to view it and to edit it.

Delete an existing graph.

In the left navigation bar, go to Graphs images/download/attachments/86440919/graph.svg-x24.png > Saved graphs > Create graph +.

  • modify graphs

  • read entities

  • read workspaces


View entities created with the Intelligence Center entity editor.

In the left navigation bar, go to Search images/download/attachments/86440919/search.svg-x24.png > GO TO SEARCH AND BROWSE > Entities.

  • read draft-entities

  • read entities


Create a new entity in the entity editor.

Edit an existing entity in the entity editor.

Delete an entity previously created in the entity editor.

In the left navigation bar, select Create + and create a new entity.

  • modify draft-entities

  • modify entities

  • modify extracts

  • read draft-entities

  • read entities

  • read extracts

  • read groups


View newly discovered entities.

In the left navigation bar, go to Discovery images/download/attachments/86440919/target.svg-x24.png .

  • read discovery-rules

  • read entities

  • read source


View exposed entities.

In the left navigation bar, go to Exposure images/download/attachments/86440919/exposure.svg-x24.png > Entities.

  • read entities


View an exposed entity detail pane, including any content in the detail pane tabs.

In the left navigation bar, go to Exposure images/download/attachments/86440919/exposure.svg-x24.png > Entities. select an entity in the overview, and open the corresponding entity detail pane.

  • read destinations

  • read entities

  • read extracts

  • read history-events

  • read intel-sets

  • read sources

  • read taxonomies

  • read tickets

  • read workspaces


Edit an existing exposed entity.

Delete an existing exposed entity.

In the left navigation bar, go to Exposure images/download/attachments/86440919/exposure.svg-x24.png > Entities.

  • modify draft-entities (to save as draft)

  • modify entities

  • read extracts

  • read sources

  • read taxonomies


View exposure settings.

In the left navigation bar, go to Exposure images/download/attachments/86440919/exposure.svg-x24.png > Settings tab.

  • read configurations


Edit exposure settings.

In the left navigation bar, go to Exposure images/download/attachments/86440919/exposure.svg-x24.png > Settings tab > Edit exposure settings.

  • modify configurations


View outgoing feed setup for exposure.

In the left navigation bar, go to Exposure images/download/attachments/86440919/exposure.svg-x24.png > Outgoing feeds tab.

  • read content-type

  • read outgoing feeds

  • read transports


View workspaces.

In the left navigation bar, go to Workspaces images/download/attachments/86440919/workspace.svg-x24.png .

  • read graphs

  • read workspaces


Create a new workspace.

Edit an existing workspace.

Delete an existing workspace.

In the left navigation bar, go to Workspaces images/download/attachments/86440919/workspace.svg-x24.png > Create workspace +.

  • modify workspaces


Add MITRE ATT&CK classifications to entities.

In the entity builder, select + Add ATT&CK classification.

  • read attack

  • modify entities


View and install knowledge packs.

In the left navigation bar, go to Data configuration images/download/attachments/86440919/robot.svg-x24.png > Knowledge packs.

  • install knowledge-packs

  • read knowledge-packs