Outgoing feed - TAXII 2.1 poll

This article describes how to configure outgoing feeds for a particular feed source. To see how to configure outgoing feeds in general, see Configure outgoing feeds general options.


Transport type

TAXII 2.1 poll

Content type

STIX 2.1

Published data

For more information on STIX 2.1 support, see STIX 2.1 documentation.


This outgoing feed packs entities from a given list of datasets into STIX 2.1 objects and distributes them through a TAXII 2.1 collection.

These objects can then be retrieved from the IC from https://{ic_url}/taxii2/collections/{collection_id}/ or with a TAXII 2.1 client.

You can configure the Intelligence Center (IC) to act as a TAXII 2 poll service.

To do this:

  1. (Optional) Configure the TAXII 2 server.

    By default, the TAXII 2 server bundled with the IC will work out of the box. However, you may want to modify its configuration to customize certain endpoints and restrict access to them.

  2. Configure the outgoing feed.


  • EclecticIQ Intelligence Center 2.13.0 and newer.

Configure TAXII 2 server

You must edit configuration files on the IC host to configure the TAXII 2 server bundled with the IC.

There are two configuration files used to manage the TAXII 2.1 server configuration:

  • /etc/eclecticiq/opentaxii.yml: Configuration settings for the overall TAXII 2.1 server. Manages /taxii2/ endpoint.

  • /etc/eclecticiq/platform_settings.py: Configuration settings for the TAXII 2.1 server API root.

opentaxii.yml configuration

opentaxii.yml is only used to configure the TAXII 2 discovery endpoint (/taxii2/) on the IC.

Configuration the following endpoints are set elsewhere:

  • /taxii2/api_root: Configured in platform_settings.py

  • /taxii2/api_root/collections/{id}/: Configured by their respective outgoing feed configurations on the IC. Go to Data configuration images/download/attachments/86441377/robot.svg-x24.png > Outgoing feeds.

To configure the TAXII 2 discovery endpoint, as root:

  1. Edit /etc/eclecticiq/opentaxii.yml.

  2. Change values in opentaxii.yml. See the table below for possible values.

  3. Save your changes to opentaxii.yml.

  4. Restart the OpenTaxii service:

    systemctl restart eclecticiq-platform-backend-opentaxii

By default, opentaxii.yml contains the following taxii2 entry:

    class: eiq.platform.opentaxii.PlatformTAXII2PersistenceAPI
      default_pagination_limit: 10
      max_pagination_limit: 1000
  title: "EIQ TAXII2 Server"
  # nginx has `client_max_body_size 200m`
  max_content_length: 209715200
  public_discovery: true

Attribute name





Contains configuration for the TAXII 2 discovery endpoint (/taxii2/).


  class: eiq.platform.opentaxii.PlatformTAXII2PersistenceAPI
    default_pagination_limit: 10
    max_pagination_limit: 1000

Internal values. Do not change.


"EIQ TAXII2 Server"

Title assigned to TAXII 2 discovery service.



Internal value. Do not change.



(Recommended) Set to false to restrict access to the /taxii2/ endpoint.

Users need to authenticate by sending their API key as a Bearer token, or use Basic authentication.

platform_settings.py configuration

The TAXII 2 API root endpoint (/taxii2/api_root) is configured through platform_settings.py through the TAXII2_API_ROOT parameter.

Configuration the following endpoints are set elsewhere:

  • /taxii2/: Configured in opentaxii.yml

  • /taxii2/api_root/collections/{id}/: Configured by their respective outgoing feed configurations on the IC. Go to Data configuration images/download/attachments/86441377/robot.svg-x24.png > Outgoing feeds.

To configure TAXII 2 with platform_settings.py, as root:

  1. Edit /etc/eclecticiq/platform_settings.py.

  2. Add or change the TAXII2_API_ROOT attribute.

    This table describes the possible keys and values:

    Attribute name




    "title": "...",
    "description": "...",
    "is_public": True,

    Attribute that configures the TAXII 2 API root.

    Keys in this dictionary are described in this table.


    "EIQ TAXII 2.1 api root"

    Title assigned to the API root.


    "The EIQ TAXII 2.1 api root for passive outgoing feeds"

    Description assigned to API root.



    (Recommended) Set to False to restrict access to the following endpoints:

    • /taxii2/api_root/

    • /taxii2/api_root/collections/

    Users need to authenticate by sending their API key as a Bearer token, or use Basic authentication.

  3. Save platform_settings.py.

  4. Restart the OpenTaxii service:

    systemctl restart eclecticiq-platform-backend-opentaxii

Configure the outgoing feed

  1. Create or edit an outgoing feed.

  2. Under Transport and content, fill out these fields:

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).



    Transport type*

    Select TAXII 2.1 poll from the drop-down menu.

    Content type*

    Select STIX 2.1 from the drop-down menu.


    Select one or more existing datasets from the drop-down menu.

    Update strategy*

    Select an update strategy.

    Supported update strategies:

    • APPEND


    TLS verification

    Selected by default.

    Processing > Observable and Enrichment Observable types > Observable types

    If your selected dataset(s) include indicator entities that do not have a STIX 2.1-compatible test mechanism defined, you must include observable types here.

    See Pack indicator entities below for more information.

  3. Store your changes by selecting Save.

Pack indicator entities

Most EclecticIQ indicators can be packed as STIX 2.1 Indicator SDOs without further configuration. However, there are certain cases where EclecticIQ indicator entities may be dropped by an outgoing feed.

Currently, EclecticIQ indicator entities must have at least one of the following in order for them to be packed as STIX 2.1 Indicator SDOs by outgoing feeds:

  • A test mechanism, with one of the following types:

    • Generic

    • SNORT

    • YARA

  • A related observable with one of the supported SCO types.

    If your EclecticIQ indicator entity only has related observables and no test mechanism, you must include the related observable types in your outgoing feed configuration’s Observable and Enrichment Observable types > Observable types field.

For more information about the STIX 2.1 Indicator SDO and how EclecticIQ indicator entities are mapped to and from it, see the STIX 2.1 documentation.