Automatic system requirements

Before beginning installing the platform, the target system is checked to verify that it satisfies at least the minimum requirements for the platform to operate as expected:

The checks verify requirements on a single machine setup. To check the target system requirements run the commands listed below.

When a requirement is not satisfied, the corresponding command returns a non-zero (non-0) exit status. Review non-zero exit status messages to identify the causes of the errors, and address them before installing the platform.

  • Set and export the data_dir variable to reflect your desired common directory for data mount points:


System memory

  • Run the following command to verify that the target system has at least 32 GB of memory:

if ! [ $(cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | awk '{print $2}') -ge 32000000 ]; then echo "There is not enough system memory"; (exit 1); fi


  • Run the following command to verify that the target system has at least 4 CPU cores:

if ! [ $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) -ge 4 ]; then echo "There are not enough CPU cores"; (exit 1); fi

Disk size

  • Run the following command to verify that the /var/log mount point directory size for log storage is at least 10 GB:

if ! [ $(df /var/log -BG --output=size | sed -e 1d -re 's/\s*([0-9]*)G/\1/g') -ge 10 ]; then echo "There is not enough disk space in '/var/log'"; (exit 1); fi
  • Run the following command to verify that the $data_dir/neo4j mount point directory size for the Neo4j graph database is at least 25 GB:

if ! [ $(df $data_dir/neo4j -BG --output=size | sed -e 1d -re 's/\s*([0-9]*)G/\1/g') -ge 25 ]; then echo "There is not enough disk space in '$data_dir/neo4j'"; (exit 1); fi
  • Run the following command to verify that the $data_dir/elasticsearch mount point directory size for the Elasticsearch indexing database is at least 50 GB:

if ! [ $(df $data_dir/elasticsearch -BG --output=size | sed -e 1d -re 's/\s*([0-9]*)G/\1/g') -ge 50 ]; then echo "There is not enough disk space in '$data_dir/elasticsearch'"; (exit 1); fi
  • Run the following command to verify that the $data_dir/pgsql mount point directory size for the PostgreSQL database is at least 200 GB:

if ! [ $(df $data_dir/pgsql -BG --output=size | sed -e 1d -re 's/\s*([0-9]*)G/\1/g') -ge 200 ]; then echo "There is not enough disk space in '$data_dir/pgsql'"; (exit 1); fi

Time zone

The global time zone configuration must be UTC.

While you can set a local or a custom time zone value to display local time on the platform, the host system time zone must be consistently on UTC time. This includes OS, databases, as well as any other products or components that enable setting a time zone, and that interact/interoperate with the platform.

  • Run the following command to set the system time zone to UTC:

timedatectl set-timezone UTC


The system locale must be en_US.UTF-8.

  • Run the following command to check and, if necessary, to set the system locale to en_US.UTF-8:

if [ "$LANG" != "en_US.UTF-8" ]; then localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8; fi