Upgrade EclecticIQ Platform Integration

Download and upgrade EclecticIQ Platform Integration for IBM Resilient to a newer version.

To download a newer version of the the app from the IBM X-Force App Exchange marketplace, and to install it in the target IBM Resilient instance to upgrade the app:

  1. Log in to the IBM Resilient instance with the resadmin user.

  2. Check if the resilient-circuits integration module is running:

    # Check by process name.
    ps -A | grep resilient
    # Alternatively, check by user owning the process.
    ps -u resadmin
    # Example response where the process (with PID) is listed as running.
    1842 pts/0 00:00:02 resilient-circu
    1946 ? 00:00:00 sshd
    1947 pts/1 00:00:00 bash
  3. If it is running, stop it by pressing CTRL + C in the active terminal session where the resilient-circuits integration module is running.
    Alternatively, run kill or pkill to stop it:

    # Specify the PID of the process.
    kill -9 1842
    # Specify the process name or part of the name.
    pkill resilient-circu
  4. Remove the current installation of EclecticIQ Platform Integration for IBM Resilient before upgrading to a newer version:

    # 'x.x.x' is a placeholder representing the app release.
    # Example: 1.0.3
    rm -rf rc-cts-eclecticiq-x.x.x
  5. Download the latest version of EclecticIQ Platform Integration for IBM Resilient from IBM X-Force App Exchange.

  6. Save the archive to the /home/resadmin directory, and then decompress it:

    # Go to the '/home/resadmin' directory.
    cd /home/resadmin
    # Untar the downloaded archive.
    # 'x.x.x' is a placeholder representing the app release.
    # Example: 1.1.2
    tar -zxvf rc-cts-eclecticiq-x.x.x.tar.gz

  7. In the /home/resadmin directory, run pip install to upgrade the app:

    # Upgrade the app.
    # 'x.x.x' is a placeholder representing the app release.
    # Example: 1.1.2
    sudo pip install -e rc-cts-eclecticiq-x.x.x
  8. Open a terminal session, log in to IBM Resilient with SSH, and start the integration module:

    # Run this command to start the integration.
    resilient-circuits run
    # Successful response.
    resilient-circuits has started successfully and is now running...
    Subscribe to message destination 'eclecticiq_sighting'
    Subscribe to message destination actions.201.eclecticiq_sighting

After creating a message destination and after starting the resilient-circuits integration module, IBM Resilient may return Java error messages, and it may fail to work correctly.

If this occurs, restart the IBM Resilient instance t o solve the problem.