Review uploaded files

You can review a list of recently uploaded files under Recently uploaded files.

You can sort the items on the view by column header. To do so, click the column header you want to base the data sorting on. An upward-pointing or a downward-pointing arrow in the header indicates ascending and descending sort order, respectively.

  1. Click a Status icon to display further details about the corresponding file upload operation:


    The selected file was added to the upload queue, and it is waiting to be uploaded.


    The selected file was successfully uploaded to the upload queue, and you can view it.


    The selected file was not uploaded.
    Click the status icon to view an error message and a traceback with more details about the failure.
    This information can be helpful to troubleshoot the issue.

  2. To display the content of a successfully uploaded file from the list, click the dotted menu icon, and then select View.