Release notes 2.10.1


EclecticIQ Platform

Release version


Release date

31 August 2021


Patch release

Upgrade impact


Time to upgrade

~18 minutes to upgrade an instance with 4 million entities.

  • From the previous release

  • Using the installation script

  • For an instance running on one machine

Additional ~6 minutes to run pre-upgrade scripts for upgrading from 2.8.x and earlier.

Time to migrate

  • PostgreSQL database: ~6 minutes per 4 million entities

  • Elasticsearch database: ~1 minute per 4 million entities

  • Neo4j database: ~1 minute per 4 million entities.


  • EclecticIQ Platform to be renamed EclecticIQ Intelligence Center

    2.10 is the last release using the EclecticIQ Platform name. As of release 2.11 we will rename the product to EclecticIQ Intelligence Center and update all documentation.


  • Entity and observable rule query timeouts are now configurable

    Manually running entity and observable rules may cause the resulting Elasticsearch query to time out if the rules are complex, or the datastore the queries are run against is large.

    To mitigate this:

    • Default timeout values for entity and observable rules have been increased from 60 to 300 seconds.

    • Entity and observable rule timeouts can now be configured in by setting these attributes:

      # Set timeout for manually running
      # Observable rules to 300 seconds
      # Set timeout for manually running
      # Entity rules to 300 seconds

Important bug fixes

  • Text extracted from PDFs appear incorrectly formatted

    When uploading PDFs to create reports, the resulting report entity may appear to incorrectly extract and display the text contained in the original PDF.

    This happens when the uploaded PDF has text that contains a “zero width non-joiner” whitespace unicode character. This breaks up the flow of text, and causes the extracted text to be difficult to read. Text extracted from PDFs now have those characters replaced with regular whitespace characters.

  • Unable to set custom values in certain UI fields

    Issue where users could not set custom values in certain UI fields.

  • Kibana could not load data

    Users who analyze their data with Kibana were unable to access certain features such as “Saved Objects” and “Index Patterns” because of an issue with how we were routing Kibana GET requests. These requests are now handled correctly.

  • UI may be unresponsive and display HTTP 504 errors

    Users with a large datastore may experience slow loading of data in some UI elements, and may display HTTP errors instead. Fixed by optimizing underlying queries.

  • Related observables in Report entities could not be updated

    If a Report entity is created by ingesting data, it would contain a list of observables related to that Report. Users would be unable to edit that list of observables because they were missing a “link type”. This has been fixed.

  • Running data retention policies may cause high memory use

    Data retention policy tasks were consuming an excessive amount of memory over time, and may lead to a related issue where high-resource applications that share the same host would stop responding, such as in Known issue with Elasticsearch 7: “Data too large”.

    This memory leak has been fixed.

  • Outgoing feeds with large datasets may fail

    When running an outgoing feed for a large dataset, there is a chance that the feed fails with a KeyError: 'scroll_id' exception because the Elasticsearch scroll context is lost while waiting for the platform to process the search.

    This has been resolved by fixing a bug in how scroll context is handled.

  • Notification preferences cannot be saved

    Users were unable to save their notification preferences in Notifications images/download/attachments/82474957/bell.svg-x24.png > Settings images/download/attachments/82474737/settings.svg-x24.png .

  • Feeds that update reports may fail because of attachments deduplicate incorrectly

    When a report has its attachments updated, attachments with the same name are deduplicated. This is done by discarding one of the versions of the attachments. In some cases, this results in the feed failing when the existing attachment is discarded and the incoming attachment is not fully processed yet and causes an error.

  • Outgoing feed using EclecticIQ PDF content type may fail

    When attempting to send report entities out through an outgoing feed that uses the EclecticIQ PDF content type, the feed may fail.

Security fixes

For a summary of recent security issues, see Security issues and mitigations.

  • User who is Group Admin can make themselves a platform administrator

    A user who is assigned as a “Group Admin” for any group can manipulate the private API request for editing their own profile and make themselves a platform administrator. This is addressed in EIQ-2021-0008.

Known issues

  • Elasticsearch 7 encounters “Data too large” errors: See Known issue with Elasticsearch 7: “Data too large”.

  • Entity incorrectly warns it is outdated: When viewing an entity, the entity may warn that it is not the latest version when it actually is. This is related to an issue where with attachments that have been depulicated multiple times, causing issues in the final state of the entity.

  • When you configure the platform databases during a platform installation or upgrade, you must specify passwords for the databases.

  • Systemd splits log lines exceeding 2048 characters into 2 or more lines.

    As a result, log lines exceeding 2048 characters become invalid JSON, causing Logstash to be unable to parse them correctly.

  • When more than 1000 entities are loaded on the graph, you cannot load related entities and observables by selecting Load entities, Load observables, or Load entities by observable from the context menu.

  • When creating groups in the graph, it is not possible to merge multiple groups into one.

  • If an ingestion process crashes while ingestion is still ongoing, data may not always sync to Elasticsearch.

  • Users can leverage rules to access groups that act as data sources, even if those users are not members of the groups they access through rules.

  • Running multiple outgoing feed tasks may cause the platform to consume a large amount of memory over time, because certain outgoing feeds such as HTTP download must load the data into memory in order to make it available to feed consumers.

Known issue with Elasticsearch 7: “Data too large”

Since release 2.9.0, the platform comes bundled with Elasticsearch (ES) 7.9.1. ES 7 adds a new real memory circuit breaker that causes ES nodes to respond with a circuit_breaking_exception error when it detects that memory use has reached 95% of the totally available JVM heap.

Because of this change, you may encounter issues related to available memory where previously at the same workloads, ES would appear to run smoothly.

If your plaform is encountering issues related to Elasticsearch responding with a circuit_breaking_exception error, you can do the following to mitigate:

Increase available memory for ES

The circuit_breaking_exception error occurs only when ES detects that you are about to go over a memory use threshold that would cause it to fail.

Increase the amount of memory available to ES, or move it to its own host where it does not compete with the platform for resources to keep your ES nodes running.

(Not recommended) Disable the “real memory circuit breaker”

This may allow ES to reach an out of memory state and fail.

(Not recommended) To disable the “real memory circuit breaker”, set the parameter in your ES configuration to false.

This allows ES to use the ES 6 parent circuit breaker instead, but disables the safety guarantees that the real memory circuit breaker provides.

Security issues and mitigations

To see a detailed list of security issues and their mitigations, go to All security issues and mitigations.






Affected versions



Users with only modify workspaces permissions can add or remove collaborators on a workspace they have access to

1 - LOW

images/download/attachments/82475690/clock.svg-x24.png Planned for 2.11.0

2.10.x and earlier.



Users with only modify entities and read files permissions can access and export attachments from report entities they do not have access to.


images/download/attachments/82475690/clock.svg-x24.png Planned for 2.11.0

2.10.x and earlier.



Users with only modify tickets and read ticket-comments permissions can modify properties of a task object they can access to move and see task comments from tasks they should not have access to.


images/download/attachments/82475690/clock.svg-x24.png Planned for 2.11.0

2.10.x and earlier.



Users without direct assignment to a listed workspace can view details they should not see.

1 - LOW

images/download/attachments/82475690/clock.svg-x24.png Planned for 2.11.0

2.10.x and earlier.



Users with only modify files permissions can move files from their workspace to other workspaces they don’t have access to.


images/download/attachments/82475690/clock.svg-x24.png Planned for 2.11.0

2.10.x and earlier.



Users with only modify ticket-comments and read tickets permissions can edit and delete comments on a Task they are at least a stakeholder on.


images/download/attachments/82475690/clock.svg-x24.png Planned for 2.11.0

2.10.x and earlier.



Users could create entities in Source Groups indirectly assigned through Groups, instead of only being able to create entities in Groups they are directly assigned to.

1 - LOW

images/download/attachments/82474895/check-circle.svg-x24.png 2.10.1

2.10.0 and earlier.



Users could create entities in Source Groups indirectly assigned through Groups, instead of only being able to create entities in Groups they are directly assigned to.

1 - LOW

images/download/attachments/82475690/check-circle.svg-x24.png 2.9.2

2.9.1 and earlier.



SVG file upload could allow cross-site scripting (XSS)


images/download/attachments/82475690/check-circle.svg-x24.png 2.9.2

2.9.1 and earlier.



HTML injection through the GUI


images/download/attachments/82475690/check-circle.svg-x24.png 2.9.2

2.9.1 and earlier.


CairoSVG is vulnerable to regular expression denial of service


images/download/attachments/82475690/check-circle.svg-x24.png 2.10.0

2.9.1 and earlier.


PySAML2 improper verification of cryptographic signature


images/download/attachments/82475690/check-circle.svg-x24.png 2.10.0

2.9.1 and earlier.


Pillow is vulnerable to buffer overflows


images/download/attachments/82475690/check-circle.svg-x24.png 2.10.0

2.9.1 and earlier.


For more information about setting up repositories, refer to the installation documentation for your target operating system.

EclecticIQ Platform and dependencies for CentOS and RHEL

The platform dependencies URL for versions 2.9 and later is It contains packages that are incompatible with versions 2.8 and earlier.

EclecticIQ Platform extensions


The following diagram describes the upgrade path you should take depending on the platform version you are upgrading from.

For example:

  • You can upgrade from version 2.9.1 of the platform to 2.10.0 directly,

  • To upgrade from 2.4.0 to 2.10.0, you must first upgrade to 2.5.0, then upgrade from 2.5.0 to 2.10.0.

When upgrading from 2.8.x and earlier to 2.9.x and later:

  • You must run the pre-upgrade script to allow it to work with Elasticsearch 7.9.1.

  • You must run the pre-upgrade script on the platform version you are upgrading from.

    For example, when upgrading from 2.8.0 to 2.10.1, you must run the pre-upgrade script on the platform while it is running version 2.8.0.


Upgrade diagram

From 2.5.0, the upgrades paths have been tested using the EclecticIQ Platform install script compiled by Rundoc.

The script only supports:

  • Single machine installs.

  • Instances installed using the platform install script.

and does not support platform instances installed in distributed environments.