Neighborhood tab
The Neighborhood tab in the entity detail pane includes a small graph canvas showing the immediate context of the entity, as well as related observables, datasets, workspaces, and tasks.
During an analysis you may want to quickly inspect an entity to check relationships with other entities and observables. Normally, you would load the selected entity onto the graph, open the graph, and proceed with the inspection. Without leaving the entity detail pane, the Neighborhood tab offers a faster alternative: click it to see a small graph displaying close-range relationships the entity has with nearby entities and observables.
Click the embedded graph to load the entity and its neighborhood relationships on the graph canvas, where you can further analyze the data.
The Neighborhood graph focuses on the immediate context around the entity. If the entity has more than 100 relationships, the Neighborhood graph displays only the 30 most recently created relationships. In this case, a notification message is displayed to inform the user:
Too many items to show, showing only most relevant 30 items.
The embedded graph is a snapshot of the graph canvas view. The embedded snapshot is refreshed when accessing the Neighborhood tab, but it is not updated in real time.
When the entity relationship landscape changes, for example, after adding or removing relationships, the embedded graph is not in sync anymore. In this case, a notification message is displayed to inform the user:
DATA PROCESSING IN PROGRESS — It may take some time before the latest entity data is available in the graph.
After the Intelligence Center graph completes indexing, the embedded graph is back in sync.
The time this task requires varies, depending on the size of the graph queue.
View related entities and observables
On the graph view you can inspect any relationships the entity may have with other entities and observables in the Intelligence Center.
Relationships can be:
Direct: the entities and/or observables are immediately related to each other.
Indirect: the entities and/or observables are related through a shared entity or a shared observable.
To visually examine the entity more closely, click the small graph to open the content in the larger and feature-richer graph canvas.
Directly related entities
This section displays entities that are directly related to the active entity.
You can see the entity the current entity is related to, the relationship type, and the relationship direction, that is, if it outgoing (from the current entity to the related one) or incoming (from the related entity to the current one).
Click an entity name to display the corresponding detail pane in full page format.
To edit entity relationships, click Edit relationships.
Entities related through observables
This section displays entities that are indirectly related to the active entity, that is, the relationship exists through an intermediate entity or observable.
Each entry reports entity name, entity TLP color code, if available, and entity ingestion time.
Click an entity name to display the corresponding detail pane in full page format.
View related datasets
Entities can belong to one, more, or no datasets. If the entity is included in one or more datasets, they are listed here. Each entry reports the total amount of entities the corresponding dataset contains. When a dataset is related to an entity, it shares data with it. Datasets and entities can be related in the following ways:The entity is included in the dataset. The entity and the dataset share common observables.The dataset contains an entity that bears a direct or indirect relationship with the active entity displayed on the entity detail pane.Click a dataset name to display the corresponding detail pane in full page format where you can modify and edit it, if necessary.
View related workspaces
Entities can belong to one, more, or no workspaces. If the entity belongs to one or more workspaces, they are listed here. Each entry reports the most recent workspace modification date/time, and whether or not you are a collaborator of the workspace. Click a workspace name to display the corresponding detail pane in full page format where you can modify and edit it, if necessary.
View related tasks
Any actionable user tasks associated with the entity are listed here.You can create tasks and assign them to yourself or to other users to request follow-ups; for example, further investigation or a call to action. This overview lists any actions that have been requested, are in progress, or have been carried out as a response or a follow-up action to the entity information. It shows what is being done to leverage the entity intelligence value.Each entry reports task name, task progress status, task assignee, and task deadline. Click a task name to display the corresponding detail pane where you can modify and edit it, if necessary.