Migrate databases RHEL
After installing or upgrading the platform, you must perform the database migrations to initialize, configure, and bootstrap the platform databases.
This procedure consists of the following steps:
Export variable values to use them during the database migration.
Stop all platform services.
Initialize, perform, and validate the database migrations.
Start the platform services.
Export the platform admin user credentials
Before beggining the database migrations, set and export the platform admin user credentials:
Assign appropriate values to the variables, and then export them:
EIQ_ADMIN_USERNAME: defines the user name of the user that is granted admin-level access rights to the platform. There must always be at least one platform admin user. You can change the default platform admin user name value. Default value: admin
EIQ_ADMIN_PASSWORD: defines the password associated with the platform admin user. For more information, see Password guidelines and limitations
EIQ_ADMIN_EMAIL: defines a valid email address associated with the platform admin user. The platform sends automated messages and notifications to this email address.
Set the platform CLI
The platform command line interface includes a set of tools and utilities to support system administrators with platform setup, configuration, and management tasks.
Assign the path of the platform command line interface to the variable. This makes it easier to invoke the command line tool in the bash session:
eiq_platform: leave as is/do not change it. Defines the predefined path value to the platform command line interface tool.
Stop the services
Stop all platform services:
# Stop all platform services
systemctl stop eclecticiq-platform-backend-services
systemctl stop eclecticiq-platform-backend-workers
Set the secret key
Start and enable the secret setter service to set the platform secret key:
# Start and enable the secret setter service
systemctl start eclecticiq-secrets-setter
systemctl enable eclecticiq-secrets-setter
Run data migrations
Migrate the PostgreSQL database:
# Migrate the PostgreSQL database
$eiq_platform database upgrade
After migrating the PostgreSQL database, proceed to load the database fixtures:
# Load the fixtures
$eiq_platform database load-fixtures
Migrate the Elasticsearch database:
# Migrate the Elasticsearch database
yes | $eiq_platform search upgrade
After migrating the Elasticsearch database, proceed to install the Kibana dashboards:
# Install the Kibana dashboards
$eiq_platform search install-dashboards
After installing the Kibana dashboards, proceed to validate the Elasticsearch upgrade to make sure it completed correctly:
# Validate search functionality
$eiq_platform search validate
Then, upgrade the Neo4j graph database:
# Upgrade the Neo4j database
$eiq_platform graph upgrade
Finally, configure Statsite, and load the Statsite mapping template:
# Configure Statsite mapping
es_url=$(< /etc/eclecticiq/platform_settings.py grep SEARCH_URL | grep -o "[a-z]\+://[^']\+" | head -1)
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" ${es_url}/_index_template/statsite-template -d @/opt/statsite/etc/elasticsearch_template.json
Start and enable the services
As a last step after completing the database upgrade process, start the platform services.
Run this command to start the platform services, and to enable them to automatically start at system boot:
# start/enable platform services
systemctl start eclecticiq-platform-backend-services
systemctl enable eclecticiq-platform-backend-services
The database migration process is completed.