Incoming feed - FireEye iSIGHT Intelligence Report API
This article describes how to configure incoming feeds for a particular feed source. To see how to configure incoming feeds in general, see Configure incoming feeds general options.
Specifications |
Transport type |
FireEye iSIGHT Intelligence Report API |
Content type |
FireEye Report JSON| |
Ingested data |
FireEye iSIGHT intelligence reports. |
Processed data |
STIX reports on vulnerabilities, malware, and threats such as threat actors, strategies, tactics, and techniques. |
FireEye public API key.
FireEye private API key.
Skip extraction of observables from unstructured text
By default, this extension extracts observables from unstructured text in entities ingested from the incoming feed, such as from:
Entity titles
Entity descriptions
This may result in a number of false positives when ingesting the feed.
To reduce the number of false positives from ingesting unstructured text, you can either:
Uncheck the Skip extraction of observables from unstructured text option when configuring the feed.
Or, Create observable rules to ignore false positives that are particular to this incoming feed.
For example, observables extracted from unstructured data when ingesting entities from FireEye iSIGHT Intelligence Report API may result in a large number of domain: observables. Create an observable rule to ignore those observables.
Configure the incoming feed
Create or edit an incoming feed.
Under Transport and content, fill out these fields:
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Transport type*
Select FireEye iSIGHT Intelligence Report API from the drop-down menu.
Content type*
Select FireEye Report JSON from the drop-down menu.
Set this to the FireEye iSIGHT API endpoint.
By default, this is set to
API key (public)*
Set this to your FireEye public API key.
API key (private)*
Set this to your FireEye private API key.
SSL verification
Selected by default. Select this option to enable SSL for this feed.
SSL Cert
Used when connecting to a feed source that uses a custom CA. Set this as the path to the SSL certificate to use when authenticating the feed source.
For more information, see SSL certificates.
Include Threat intelligence type
Enable to retrieve threat intelligence reports when you run the feed.
Selected by default.
Include Malware intelligence type
Enable to retrieve malware intelligence reports when you run the feed.
Selected by default.
Include Vulnerability intelligence type
Enable to retrieve vulnerability intelligence reports when you run the feed.
Selected by default.
Include Overview intelligence type
Enable to retrieve ‘Malware Overview’ and ‘Actor Overview’ intelligence reports when you run the feed.
Selected by default.
Download and attach PDF version of reports
When the feed runs, it downloads and attaches a PDF version for each report it receives from the feed source.
Selected by default.
Enabling this makes an additional API call to FireEye for every report retrieved. Disable if the feed consumes your Daily Query Quota too quickly.
Start ingesting from*
Ingest data from the feed source starting from this date and time. Use the drop-down calendar to select the date and time you want to start ingesting feed data from.
Store your changes by selecting Save.
SSL certificates
To use an SSL certificate with the platform, it must be:
Accessible on the EclecticIQ Platform host.
Placed in a location that can be accessed by the eclecticiq user.
Owned by eclecticiq:eclecticiq.
To make sure that the platform can access the SSL certificate:
Upload the SSL certificate to a location on the platform host.
On the platform host, open the terminal.
Change ownership of the SSL certificate by running as root in the terminal:
chown eclecticiq:eclecticiq
Where /path/to/cert.pem is the location of the SSL certificate the platform needs to access.
Ingestion results
Retrieved reports are ingested as Report entitites on the platform, with the following attached entitites where available:
Ingested report |
Resulting entities |
Malware intelligence report |
Threat intelligence report |
Vulnerability intelligence report |
API version
This extension uses version 2.5 of the FireEye iSIGHT API.