Enricher - Crowdstrike Vulnerability Intelligence (Related Threat Actors) Enricher#
This article describes how to configure a particular enrichment source. To see how to configure enrichers in general, see Configure enrichers.
Specification |
Enricher name |
Crowdstrike Vulnerability Intelligence (Related Threat Actors) Enricher |
Supported observable types |
Output |
Enriches supported observable types to produce:
API endpoint |
Default: |
This enricher can be used in conjunction with Enricher - Crowdstrike Vulnerability Intelligence (Related Reports) Enricher to enrich CVEs to find related CrowdStrike reports.
Your CrowdStrike account requires these permissions:
“Vulnerabilities (Falcon Intelligence)”
“Actors (Falcon Intelligence)”
You must also retrieve a Client ID and Client Secret to use when configuring the enricher. See https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/tech-center/get-access-falcon-apis/.
Configure the enricher#
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Edit the enricher.
Set the Source reliability for this enricher. All objects produced by this enricher inherits this source reliability.
In the Parameters section, set the following fields:
Field name
Change this to match your CrowdStrike account’s API URL.
Enter your CrowdStrike Client ID.
To get a Client ID, see https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/tech-center/get-access-falcon-apis/.
API key*
Enter your CrowdStrike Client Secret.
To get a Client Secret, see https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/tech-center/get-access-falcon-apis/.
SSL verification
Select to enforce SSL verification.
Path to SSL certificate file
Enter the path to a SSL certificate file located on the EclecticIQ Intelligence Center host filesystem.
To use an SSL certificate, it must be:
Accessible on the EclecticIQ Intelligence Center host.
Placed in a location that can be accessed by the
user.Owned by
To make sure that EclecticIQ Intelligence Center can access the SSL certificate:
Upload the SSL certificate to a location on the EclecticIQ Intelligence Center host.
On the EclecticIQ Intelligence Center host, open the terminal.
Change ownership of the SSL certificate by running as root in the terminal:
chown eclecticiq:eclecticiq /path/to/cert.pem
is the location of the SSL certificate EclecticIQ Intelligence Center needs to access.
Select Save to save your changes.